Would you like to write
 an Outwitting series book?

Bill Adler, Jr. and The Lyons Press have teamed up to create and publish the Outwitting series. 

It began in 1988 with Outwitting Squirrels by Bill Adler, Jr.  Since then a number of Outwitting books have been published, including Outwitting Deer, Outwitting Fish, Outwitting Critters, Outwitting Neighbors, Outwitting Contractors, Outwitting Clutter, Outwitting Mice, and more.

Are you interested in writing an Outwitting book?  If you're a talented, published author and you have an idea for an Outwitting book, let us know.  We are actively seeking writers, especially those with knowledge of the particular subject.  Here are some of the titles that are looking for authors.  (Those with a * are already under contract.)  The titles in red are the ones we're most interested in seeing proposals for.

Outwitting Cats*
Outwitting the Outdoors:  A Guide to Backpacking and Camping
Outwitting City Hall:  Getting Your Government to Work for You

Outwitting Back Pain*
Outwitting the Job Market*

Outwitting College Admissions
Outwitting Your Chess Opponent
Outwitting Your Doubts:  How to Apply Unlimited Self Confidence to Everything You Want to Do
Outwitting Dogs*
Outwitting Headaches*

Outwitting Homework
Outwitting Rudeness:  Manners and Civility in the Age of Email
Outwitting Your Spouse: A Married Couple's Guide to Dealing With the Major and Minor Issues that Trouble a Marriage, From Leaving the Toilet Seat Up to the Seven-Year Itch
Outwitting the Rat Race:  A Working Mom's Guide to Downshifting Your Life and Setting Your Own Priorities*
Outwitting Your Job:  A Guide to Working at Home
Outwitting Insomnia
Outwitting Menopause
Outwitting Housework*
Outwitting the Soccer Ball:  A Guide to Beating the Other Team at Your Game

Outwitting Microsoft Windows

Outwitting Middle Age
Outwitting Migraines*

Outwitting Sexual Problems
Outwitting Old Age
Outwitting the Adoption Maze
Outwitting eBay
Outwitting Flab:  Toning Up Without Torture
Outwitting Mortgages
Outwitting Home Buying
Outwitting Stress*
Outwitting Golf
Outwitting Tennis Balls
Outwitting Neighbors*
Outwitting Contractors*
Outwitting Crime (this title is a low priority)
Outwitting the Real Estate Market
Outwitting the Dating Game
Outwitting the Stock Market
Outwitting the Health Care System
Outwitting Your Garden
Outwitting Men's Commitment Problems
Outwitting Your Wedding
Outwitting Publishers:  How to Write What You Want and Get Paid for It

Outwitting Your Computer
Outwitting Telemarketers (including spammers, junk faxers and telephone callers)*
Outwitting Teenagers*
Outwitting Taxes
Outwitting the Immigration Process
Outwitting the Internet
Outwitting the Dentist:  How to Have Healthy, Straight and, Beautiful Teeth Forever
Outwitting the Competition
Outwitting the Piano
Outwitting Garden Pests
Outwitting Traffic
Outwitting Allergies
Outwitting Food Allergies
Outwitting Your Chess Opponent
Outwitting Snoops
Outwitting Constipation
Outwitting Travel Nightmares
Outwitting Procrastination

Outwitting Writer’s Block and Other Problems of the Pen*

Outwitting Your Middle Schooler
Outwitting Debt
Outwitting Death
Outwitting Your Lawn

Some of these proposals and books may already be in the works.  You can email us to find out if a particular title is still available.  There's also more information about potential Outwitting books on our FAQ page.

The Outwitting books are about 250 pages long. These are practical books with a conversational tone. They're filled with advice, but written in a lively style.  And as you may know, the Outwitting books have sold quite well.   (Outwitting Squirrels has sold over 300,000 copies.)  

The Outwitting books are more than just an off-the-rack how-to's. Outwitting means coming up with some clever new tricks, looking at the problem from an offbeat perspective;  in today's business jargon, "thinking outside the box."  What we don't want are ordinary how-to book proposals.  Read Outwitting Toddlers, Outwitting Squirrels or Outwitting Fish to see what we mean.  Take a close look at an actual Outwitting proposal:  You can read or download the proposal for Outwitting Toddlers or one for Outwitting Writer's Block

Some of the financial details:  Your name will go on the book's cover as the author, of course.  The publisher pays a nominal advance, plus royalties.  Adler & Robin Books, Inc. receives a commission on the author's receipts.  Our commission is usually 15 percent, but it may be higher depending on the amount of work we put into the proposal's preparation.  

A good way to find out what's in the Outwitting books is to take a look at a few.  You can find all the Outwitting titles on Amazon.com and in bookstores.  And if you're wondering what to put in your proposal, take a look at the short guide posted on our website.

Presenting a proposal does not guarantee that your proposal will be accepted for the Outwitting series.  If we receive multiple proposals, we will select the best proposal on each topic.  Should your proposal be rejected, you may sell the proposal to another publisher with another title, but you cannot use "Outwitting" in that title, or use the Outwitting series' name, format, design or presentation.  

You can get in touch with Bill Adler, Jr. by mail, fax or email.  Let us know which Outwitting book you are interested in writing, and why. 

+1 202-986-9275
Postal address
3000 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 United States

*This email address gets filtered through an anti-spam service.  If you do not hear back from us or your email bounces, please call or write to us.

Please note that we have many other Outwitting books under consideration and in development, and it is entirely possible that the idea you mention to us is something we're already thinking about or working on.  Please see our FAQ page for more information.

The Outwitting series was created and is owned by Bill Adler, Jr.  The Lyons Press is the exclusive publisher for the Outwitting series.  All rights to the Outwitting series name, design and concept belong to Bill Adler, Jr. and The Lyons Press. 

Questions and answers for authors about the Outwitting books